Thursday, November 28, 2019

Political Philosophy Essays - Philosophy, Political Philosophy

Political Philosophy Political philosophy's are the theories and ideas of those who believe that they have an answer to the questions that politics raise in society. The questions that these political philosophers set out to answer range from describing what the state of nature is to what type of regimes are necessary to tame and organize the nature of man. The ideas that they come up with are not all that original. Plato, an early political philosopher and student of Socrates, set out to come up with a society that would function properly. His ideal society would consist of rulers, guardians, and the masses. All of which are molded at a young age to play a societal role in order to contribute to the betterment of their social arena. Plato has gone down in history as one of the better political philosophers to ever live, and arguably the best. While looking at what a society needs, he was able to recognize the needs of a society as well as the needs of the individual. He # humbled the ego of man, when he acknowledged that one individual could not survive on his own and that all people are dependent on others to survive. His idea of an organized community has been the focus of many political philosophy debates and has been a stepping stone from which many philosophers have created their own ideal social environment. Though their theories may not be identical to Plato's, signs of his structures are definitely evident. Thomas Hobbes, a political philosopher in the seventeenth century, had many theories and ideas that seemed to have coincided with Plato's thoughts. Hobbes view of the state of nature was a very primitive one. He felt that in the state of nature there was a war of every man against every man to survive. In the natural state, justice was impossible, because without set limits and structures, everyone has the rights to everything and anarchy is almost inevitable. The only way to escape the unfortunate fate of anarchy would be for everyone to agree to a covenant. In this covenant, all the people would give up their rights and create a sovereign. The conditions of the covenant was to give the sovereign full discretion in dealing with citizens. It was up to the sovereign to protect the lives of the citizens. Quite ironically, the sovereign also had the right to have any citizen # killed. Fortunately, the citizens did not give up their right to fight back and were allowed to, usually to no avail. As long as the sovereign was keeping the majority of citizens alive and maintaining absolute power, the covenant would be considered successful and a civil society would have been created. The covenant proposed in Leviathan, was meant to help keep the common good of peace. As long as people weren't killing each other the common good was being reached and the monarchy was considered successful. If people continued to kill each other the covenant of the absolute sovereign would be looked upon as tyranny. This is clearly comparable to Plato's theory of a civil society. Plato pointed out how no one person could survive by them self or without the help of a controlled civil society. Hobbes takes Plato's idea of men dependent upon other men, to extremes when he reveals that men will kill each other in order to survive. WHY? Because other people have what we need in order to maintain our lives, whether it be property, food or etc. But why do we need a civil society? Hobbes, again is playing off Plato's acknowledgement of the selfishness of man. Because people are selfish and are willing to do whatever it takes to live, they are going to violate others in order to better themselves. Only in a # society where restrictions and laws are placed upon people, will people begin to work with one another instead of against one another in the effort to survive together and use the resources and expertise that each person has to offer. Though Hobbes' way of governing this communal society is a bit different than Plato, it still stems from the same premise. The sovereign that Hobbes describes will be given complete discretion and is trusted to act on what is best for the overall community. Likewise, Plato's rulers are trusted to bring the community together in the hopes of making a strong and flourishing civil society. A definite difference between the two rulers of Hobbes and Plato is that Plato's ruler

Monday, November 25, 2019

Sociology as a Science Essays

Sociology as a Science Essays Sociology as a Science Paper Sociology as a Science Paper 8 Reasons for Regarding Sociology as a Science It is true that a scientific study of social phenomena is not free from difficulties. Study of society by their very nature cannot be exact like natural and physical sciences. But it is not correct to say that there is no possibility of sociology becoming a science. It is true that a scientific study of social phenomena is not free from difficulties. Study of society by their very nature cannot be exact like natural and physical sciences. But it is not correct to say that there is no possibility of sociology becoming a science. The ritics are over-obsessed with the exactness of conclusions and capacity to predict as the most important criteria of any scientific study. In that case, meteorology cannot be a science since it fails to make an accurate prediction of the weather and natural calamities Universal validness of conclusions and a complete accuracy of prediction are not the only prerequisites of science. The scientific character of a discipline is best knowing by its methodology. If the methods, tools and techniques used by any discipline are scientific then the subject can be treated as a science. Sociology uses scientific methods in the study of its subject matter. Therefore, it is entitled to be called a science. The argument in favour of sociology as a science is as follows: 1) Investigation is possible: Sociology conducts many experiments indirectly and employs scientific methods such as scales of socio meter, schedules, questionnaire, interview and Case History etc. In these methods quantitative measures are used to measure social phenomenon. Sociologists use statistical methods in their analyses. For example, if we want to know bout families with low incomes have more deaths, we collect data. The difficulty lies in getting the data for process are very costly. 2) Observation is possible: It is not possible to put human beings into a laboratory and observe them. There is no laboratory for human observation. The whole social world is its laboratory. In laboratory, experiments are conducted to measure the relationship between two variables, keeping other factors constant. In sociology, we do the same, but not in a formal laboratory. We do it through statistics. Laboratory experiments are not the nly criteria for science. Had it been so then Astronomy would not have been qualified to be science. It cannot make experiments with heavenly bodies. Newton and Archimedes did not invent their laws inside a laboratory. The obstacles far a sociologist is not subject matter itself but from the limitations placed on him by his own society. 3) Comparison is possible: Sociologists use comparisons between groups, communities and societies. It is readily available with the sociologists. Comparative method is one of the important methods in scientific investigation 4) Generalisation is possible: The view that generalisation is not possible in sociology as in natural sciences is not true. Sociologists seek universal generalisations. For example, incest taboo (prohibition of sex relationship between mother and son, brother and sister, and father and daughter) is a universal general truth. Sociology makes laws and attempts to predict. It tries to discover laws that generally applicable in all the societies, prevent incest is one such example. There are the principles whose validity can be examined by anyone. They are universal. 5) Accurate measurement is possible: It is not always true to say that accurate measurement is not possible in sociology. It is possible to measure social relationships by employing statistical method, scales measurement and sociametry etc. 6) Prediction is possible: Critics opine that since human beings have their indulgence and free choice, this behavior is not predictable. Secondly, if individuals are not largely predictable, then so life is not possible. Thirdly, the concept of exact prediction is an outdated notion of science most scientific theories are now based on probability. Moreover, no science an boast making infallible predictions. In some areas of social life prediction to a limited extent hi been possible. There is a good deal of information on family relationships and the personally of children with the growth and maturity of sociology it would be possible to understand more fully, the principles underlying human behavior and make more accurate prediction about it. 7) Objectivity is possible: Every idea of man is subjective when as it originates form a person and belongs to him. A scientist while approaching his subject matter relies on his experience and nowledge to get the desired results. Moreover, no value Judgment is personal. The statement the dowry is a social evil is a scientific Judgment. Social surveys and careful studies confirm ill Social values are based on careful observation and analysis of social facts. They are product of scientific research as social issues. 8) Probability of cause and effect relationship:- Sociology tries to analyse cause and affect relationship. In its study of family, it has traced the relationship between family disorganisation and divorce, between rbanisation am family disorganisation as one of the causes of divorce. Thus sociology traces cause is effect relationship in social organisation. It tries to find out how and why of social relationships and social processes. Thus, we can say that the scientific nature of sociology is a hot issue which has acquired greater dimensions. From the above it follows that sociology is a science in its own rights. Science is after all a method of discovery through observation and experimentation. The result of these observations and experiments are arranged and organised in the ields of knowledge. The term science in other words is the classification of facts and recognition of their sequences. Science is a process which tries to get at the facts and tries to understand them. Science helps us to face facts. It is mostly concerned with a mass of knowledge regarding a particular subject acquired by systematic observation, experience and study analysed and classified into unified whole. It is approach rather than the content that is the real test of science. According to Lundeberg, Science is a procedure for discovering conditions under which events occur. According to Maxwaber, Sociology is a science which attempts at interpretative understanding of social action in order thereby to arrive at a causal explanation of its cause and effects. Sociology studies its subjects matter scientifically. It tries to classify types and forms of social relationship, of institutions and associations. It tries to determine the relation between different parts and factors of social life. It tries to deduce general laws from a systematic study. is thus as much a social science like psychology, Economics, political science and other social sciences concerning man.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Outsourcing - Essay Example The location comes into it when the third party operates from beyond the borders making it off shore outsource process. The process of off shore on the other hand pertains to relatively large scale hand over of resources and other functions. There are number of salient features to this concept and these include restoring function, crisis management, economic utility, broader options and variety of field selection. The potential downsides to it include more hassle of handling the global operations, ensuring for overall safety of operations and other potential embezzlements and privacy breaches. The given concepts do bring along trends of cross cultural interaction as well. India in this regard serves as a hub towards the growing outsourced market. India’s I.T based sector is seeing a gradual expansion in this regard. Business Process Outsourcing’ (BPO) is another generic concept which pertains to the outsource practices in numerous disciplines. It entails the business engagement activities between the stakeholders. (Sharma 2004). Another understanding of BPO is making use of the modern techniques and technology for an overall better output yield. BPO stands distinctive from the generally prevailing off shore outsource process. Application Service Provider’ (ASP) is an aided tool in the entire process where BPO entails a whole set of digital system including state of the art web browsers and other online databases. Incorporating BPO against ASP brings about element of risk to the incumbent organization in authority. The outsourced entities and domains within the organizations that are subjected to the practices of outsource and off shore business ventures include the ones that are in front line of action in the organization, namely the information system based networks, the human resource aspect which brings about the cultural context, the financial handling aspect. In short the BPO enables keeping a regular check upon

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Values and Ethics in the workplace Research Paper

Values and Ethics in the workplace - Research Paper Example As such, this paper seeks to explore the significance of values and ethics in the workplace. The paper starts by explaining the meaning of these two interrelated concepts. The main body of the paper will attempt to illustrate how these concepts influence group behaviour as well as performance in an organization. Basically, values represent convictions that â€Å"a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence,† (Robbins, 1993, p.171). They contain a judgemental element in that they carry an individual’s ideas as to what is right, good or desirable. On the other hand, values are described as the â€Å"essential and enduring tenets† that help define the company and are â€Å"not to be compromised for financial gain or short term expediency,† (DesJardins, 2006, p. 5). In simple terms, values are treated as beliefs that often incline businesses to act in certain ways in order to distinguish themselves from other organizations. It should be noted that values range from financial, religious as well as political factors among others. These shape the operations of business towards the attainment of its set goals. However, the concept of values goes hand in hand with the concept of ethics which is particularly concerned with serving the ends of human well being. It is generally believed that the concept of ethics mainly derive from the value system that exists among members of a certain group of people. This value system helps to distinguish one group from the other. This also helps to shape the policies of companies in different places. Ethics refers to values, principles and standards that operate within a certain business and these attempt to make a distinction between something that is morally good from bad (Rossouw, 2004). The concept of ethics is developed from the value system obtaining from a business set up. Therefore, it ca n be seen that these two concepts are somehow interrelated since they play a significant role in shaping the behaviour of the workers in their respective workplaces. Though they are not synonymous, they play a pivotal role in moulding the behaviour of the employees in a certain organization. Thus, in a bid to create a high performing culture in the workplace, values and ethics in the organization ought to be given special consideration since they are very important in shaping the behaviour of members belonging to that company. Carrel (1995) posits to the effect that values are a representation of a particular type of conduct that is preferred by the people belonging to a certain organization. This shapes the behaviour of people and it also helps them to make a distinction between something that is good from bad. Values also shape the perceptions possessed by employees in a given organization about different aspects that affect their lives. Since values are shared by all people withi n a given organization, it can be noted that they play a very important role in promoting group cohesion given that people belonging to that group will share a common understanding towards the goals and objectives of the organization. Emphasis in the organization will be based on the notion of collective identity where members of a particular group are identified as similar rather than focusing on individual interests. Therefore, it can be noted that these shared values in an organization influence the employees to pull their efforts towards the same direction and this can help the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Alcatraz Prison Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Alcatraz Prison - Research Paper Example In the current context, National Park Service operates Alcatraz as a historic site, lying within the domain of Golden Gate National Recreation Area (Wellman, 2008). Hence, Alcatraz is open to all tourists interested in visiting an exploring this historical landmark. Tourists can board a ferry from San Francisco to reach Alcatraz. It is not without a reason that Alcatraz prison has often featured in a range of cultural expressions like Hollywood movies, literature, TV programs, games and comics (Oliver, 1998). In a broader perspective, Alcatraz prison commands significant historical and cultural significance. Thus, it will be quiet interesting to delve on varied aspects of Alcatraz prison. The Name It was in the year 1775 that the Spanish explorer Juan Manuel de Ayala passed the Golden Gate bay area in the ship San Carlos (Wellman, 2008). On coming across the island under consideration, Juan named it Isla de Las Alcatraces or ‘The Island of the Pelicans’ (Wellman, 2008). Ironically, going by the history of Alcatraz, pelicans are the last thing one conjures up while thinking about this prison. Juan named it so after being inspired by the large Pelican population residing in the area (Wellman, 2008). With the passage of time, the original name of this island got Americanized to be Alcatraz. As long as the Spanish held sway in this area, they did not use this island for any civil or military purposes, because of it being barren and inhospitable (Wellman, 2008). Military Base It was sometime in 1827 that the US military identified Alcatraz as a potential military base, considering its strategic location on the West Coast (Stuller, 1999). After a series of geographical and topographic surveys, the US military started constructing a fortress and a lighthouse at Alcatraz in 1853 (Stuller, 1999). In 1840, with the onset of Gold Rush, people from all around the world started crowding the West Coast to try their luck at finding gold. Thus, it became evident t o the United States government that it needs to seriously protect its land and mineral wealth from the coveting foreign powers and populations. It was with much hard work and toil that Alcatraz, garrisoned with impressive artillery and firepower, began to be recognized as an icon of the American military power (Stuller, 1999). Though, Alcatraz never saw real action throughout its existence as a military base, its stature as an intimidating army base continued to stay for many years (Stuller, 1999). With the coming into vogue of the modern weaponry, the military significance of Alcatraz gradually dwindled over time. Military Prison Later on the American military came to the conclusion that the island could serve as an excellent military prison, courtesy its disheartening isolation, and the unfriendly freezing waters surrounding the island, home to some of the most insurmountable water currents. In 1861, the army incarcerated several Civil War prisoners at Alcatraz (Wellman, 2008). Th e prisoner population at Alcatraz further augmented during the 1898 Spanish-American war (Wellman, 2008). The 1906 San Francisco earthquake further added to the Alcatraz prison population, as a large number of Civil War prisoners were transferred there for safe confinement (Wellman, 2008). The framework and structure of the Alcatraz prison was further expanded by the US military in 1912 (Wellman, 2008). This was not without a reason. By 1920, this prison was already running to its full capacity (Wellman, 2008). Again,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Major Factors For The Low Profitability Commerce Essay

Major Factors For The Low Profitability Commerce Essay To understand the indispensable elements that contributed as major factors for the low profitability in the computer industry, the group had to apply Porters five forces orientation. The main reasons for a low average profitability in the computer market even though there exists high level of output and innovation especially during the last ten years can be attributed to these factors: Primary, as a weak strategic choice, Stiff Competition (which ultimately led to price competition) was war of attrition between these companies, and of course as a result of this some money was left on the table and average profitability was low. Secondly, product differentiation among the industries was very weak and complementary products that would have made a difference were not as such available. Thirdly, as it can be seen from the business chain, the suppliers had monopoly power over the manufacturers. Fourth, threat of the substitutes was very high since there was no brand loyalty on the part of customers. So, as a result these forces were able to put an undeniable pressure on the computer industry and led to a low average profitability. 2) Why has Dell been so successful despite the low average profitability in the PC industry? In 1998 the computer industry shared or had the same kind of business strategy. This is more obvious when one sees the similarity in distribution channels. What made Dell distinctive from the competitors was their application of the Blue Ocean strategy. Dell focused on direct orders from customers, offering customer tailored products and meanwhile developed new marketing and distribution strategy. This resulted in low product variable cost and 8% increase in operating profit in comparison with usage of standard distribution channels. Dell segmented their customers in two main groups relationship and transaction buyers. This increased the capability of better understanding and responding more efficiently to customer needs. This raised customer satisfaction level and created loyal customers, which affected positively the companys profitability. The decision to take orders directly from the internet web page, designed especially through a new CRM model, made it possible for Dell to provide innovative service and products to all customer segments. A crucial key to Dells success was the decision to proceed with production only after an order was received. In the same time focusing on limited number of suppliers and maintaining close relationship with them, allowed Dell to separate delivery of different components of production, thus reducing shipping time and decreasing operating cost by keeping stock at minimum level. Dells successes resulted from implementing an effective and profitable corporate strategy by focusing heavily on direct customers and suppliers. 3) Prior to the recent (1997à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 1998) actions by the competitors to match Dell, how big was Dells competitive advantage? The personal computer industry has been one of the most competitive industries in the world. It is typically characterized by rapid innovations, low costs, and in most cases, the demand for updated processing systems has kept this industry very attractive. The only way companies can be profitable under this set framework was to be operationally efficient. In the 1990s, the growth of the World Wide Web led to an increased demand for PC and thus consequently led to a decline in prices because of its highly competitive nature. Dells efficiency in 1997-1998 came from two key success factors: First, they sell directly to their customers so their distribution channels are simple and cheap (eliminating all middlemen costs, no dealership markup). Second, they adapted the Direct Model, where they only do build-to-order, which kept inventories low. Low inventories mean that, when the competing companies drop the price of its processors, Dell did not have accumulated old expensive processors. It was able to reduce the prices on its computers faster than its competitors can, because the components that made up those computers are the latest and cheapest. Dell clearly distinguished its customers segments and as part of its strategy, it targeted the corporate customers (relationship buyers) who were volume buyers. As a result, the transactions costs/per PC sale were substantially lower compared to its competitors. In summary, Dells strategy was characterized by: Build-to-order and direct-to-customer relationships; Focus on specific market segments; Low cost distribution; Manufacturing and strong supplier relationships; Minimum inventory; Service and repair through telephone and third parties. Exhibit 1 shows that Dell as compared with the competitors had a low gross margin. (See annex) Exhibit 2 shows that Dells net profit margin is the same as the market average. We can conclude that the fixed costs for Dell was much lower than for the competitors, which gave Dell an opportunity to cut prices unlike its competitors. (See annex) Exhibit 3 shows that the company has a relatively low inventory turnover which gives the company a competitive advantage in the fiercely growing market by minimizing losses. (See annex) 4) How effective have competitors been in responding to the challenge posed by dells advantage? IBM IBM was the first PC maker to recognize Dells competitive advantage in direct sales distribution. In early 1990s it launched a series of initiatives to improve the coordination with resellers and distributors called Joint Manufacturing Program that was followed by Integration and Assembly program and Enhanced Integration and Assembly Programs. IBM started to ship heavily configured PCs to resellers and distributors who completed the configuration of the machine for the end users. In 1995 IBM launched Authorized Assembly Program shipping lightly configured computers (Model 0s) to downstream partners who would complete the assembly with the missing components and ship to customers. The AAP program helped IBM to rapidly deliver customized PCs without holding large amounts of inventory. In 1998 IBM launched its web site where business customers would refer to authorized resellers and individual customers could purchase standardized PCs directly from IBM. Compaq In 1994 Compaq was the worlds largest manufacturer of PCs. Compaqs initial strategy was to distribute the PCs to customers primarily through retail stores. The company launched several unsuccessful initiatives to sell directly to customers (online catalogue in 1993 and toll free telephone in 1996) which soon had to be shut down because of channel conflicts. From 1995, Compaq launched new initiatives to reduce the inventory by optimizing its production system and introducing Optimized Distribution Model. This eventually reduced the inventory to 25 days. Starting from 1998 Compaq launched Direct Plus Program selling PCs directly to customers via internet and telephone. Direct Plus came with additional services such as support service, software modules and leasing programs. HP HP sold PCs mainly through distributors and resellers and retail channels. HP was reluctant to sell PCs directly to customers and although in 1997 it started to accept orders on its web site, the PCs were delivered to the customers through resellers. In 1998 HP extended the scope of HP Shopping Village web service that allowed the consumers to purchase PCs directly from the web site, however like IBM business customers were referred to resellers. Gateway Gateways business model was very similar to Dells, the company took orders from the customers, build the PCs and shipped them directly to the customers. Initially the strategy was very successful but over time Gateways competitive advantage declined despite a series of initiatives. In 1998 the company lost its corporate customer segment and refocused on small businesses. Despite the efforts the competitors made to match Dells success, none of them were particularly successful. 5) What should each of Dells major rivals (IBM, Compaq, HP, Gateway) do now? As a short term solution, competitors (IBM, Compaq, HP and Gateway) before focusing on their core competence and increase their market margin they have to imitate Dells competitive advantages for some time. But in the long run competitors should; Pursue sustainable increase in efficiency of the production processes to decrease the operating costs: analyze and revise current supply chain, outsourcing certain tasks to the other geographical location in order to benefit from the lower labor cost and also try to find new market place as a comparative and competitive advantage. A special attention should be given to premium customers (large companies) through direct sales and sales-force, because these clients make big and repetitive orders, and for the rest of the segments sales can be conducted through Internet or phone. Direct sales help avoid leaving margins in pocket of resellers and distributors. And most importantly, they should focus on their specialization. Company Key Market segments Key Distribution channels Business Dell Large Business Direct distribution 86.6% Assembly (only) Gateway Home and small business Direct distribution 90.43% Production HP Small and middle business 32.6%; Individuals 28% Distributors 75%, Resellers, 23% Production Compaq Small and middle business; Individuals Distributors 66.6%, Resellers, 24.6% Production IBM Large Business; Small and Medium Business Distributors 69.6%, Resellers, 18.4% Production Annex Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Depression Essay -- Health, Diseases

This essay explores the development of services for young Asian women who are suffering from depression in Southall, part of the London Borough of Ealing. There is a discussion of why this need was identified and the rationale for choosing the area, the circumstances and the chosen group, it’s association with mental health, management (including implications of management strategies) and recommendations for improvement; this may refer to the strengths and weaknesses of the inter - professional team. This essay will closely look at the effects that cultural and social diversity have on health, the use of effective communication within health settings in order to avoid potential barriers that would have a negative effect on nursing practice, as well as the use of beneficial health promotion. It will further discuss the ranges of social policy and its initiative to the government. Being young Asian woman involves coming from a highly structured family. The welfare and integrity of the family are of great importance. The individual is expected to submerge or repress emotions, desires, behaviours, and the individual is obligated to save face so as to not bring shame onto the family. The incentive, therefore, is to keep problems within the family. In order to overcome a problem that may arise in a particular area it is important to grasp it and solve it at the earliest stage. By enabling this area to have a specific community mental health team to work with young Asian women to support them in various ways such as being help with the management of their medication, help with social issues or practical problems relating to their mental health problems, individual and group therapies, including alternative therapies, practical aids and... ...uld only be effective when it involves the social networks of patients. So through the effective use of promoting positive mental health it is of great significance for the young Asian women as well as the Asian community in Southall. Through the careful exploration about this mental health necessity it has made the author aware that the cultural understanding of mental illnesses is a vital contribution to an accomplishment of overcoming or decreasing this issue. Other significant achievements include the recognition of how significant effective communication is as well as the active involvement of the actual individual, parents or carers as well as the understanding of dealing with this matter from different perspectives and dealt with different strategies – mainly referring to individual differences and as people’s strengths and limitations varying.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Climate Change and Global Warming Essay

Cause Climatologists, who predict short and long-term climate trends, believe carbon dioxide and other emissions, mainly from industrial and commercial activity over the last two centuries, have altered the Earth’s atmosphere. This change has caused a â€Å"greenhouse effect† which is rapidly warming the planet. Effects The predicted effects of global warming include the melting of polar ice caps; a significant rise in sea levels; more extreme weather events; a reduction in agricultural land; water shortages; food shortages; loss of rain forests; and more species becoming extinct. Solutions Scientists believe all nations must take immediate and urgent action to dramatically reduce carbon emissions. Technological solutions have been proposed, ranging from â€Å"carbon scrubbers† that remove carbon from the atmosphere and reduce greenhouse gases to placing giant mirrors in space to reflect enough sunlight to cool down the planet. Controversy Although an overwhelming majority of scientists accept the man-made global warming theory, a minority have questioned this consensus. They suggest that man’s impact on the climate is negligible and that global warming is wholly the result of natural cycles. David Kennedy, nd. Basic Causes of Global Warming Retrieved February 27, 2013 from Basic Causes of Global Warming Greenhouse Effect When sunlight hits the Earth some is absorbed but most is reflected. The greenhouse effect is when sunlight escaping back into space is absorbed by gases in the atmosphere and then reflected back onto the Earth’s surface. Most greenhouse gas is water vapor, but other gases that contribute to it include carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and other gases that have a less significant impact. Carbon Dioxide According to the U.S. Emissions Inventory 2004 Executive Summary, in 2002 around 40 percent of carbon dioxide emissions were the result of burning coal for electricity. Around 93 percent of the electric utility industry burns coal. Carbon dioxide emissions also come from cars and other vehicles, airplanes and buildings. New technologies, like the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle and hybrid electric vehicles, are some solutions for minimizing vehicle carbon dioxide emissions. Methane Methane is the second largest contributor to the greenhouse effect. Methane is a natural byproduct of living organisms and is produced by plants and bovine flatulence. Bacteria decomposing organic material also produce methane. According to the U.S. Emissions Inventory 2004 Executive Summary, methane levels have increased by 145 percent in the last 100 years. In the United States, all rice fields are grown in flooded areas which produce methane gases. Deforestation Deforestation is the process of clearing forests, either rainforest or temperate forests. The burning of forests is responsible for up to 25 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. This is the result of clearing and cutting nearly 34 million acres a year. Forests are also important because they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. So while carbon dioxide emissions increase, the lack of forests is making the number increase faster. Permafrost Permafrost is a layer of land and soil that has been frozen and kept at freezing temperatures or below. In many northern climates like Alaska, Canada and Siberia, the permafrost layer of soil holds vast amounts of carbon. What researchers and scientists fear is that the permafrost will warm up and microbes will decompose the soil and release carbon dioxide. Permafrost has absorbed carbon dioxide for thousands of years, but may release it back if thawed. Timothy Sexton,.nd. Global Warming Cause & Effects retrieved February 27, 2013 from Global Warming Cause & Effects Greenhouse Effect The overriding cause of global warming is an umbrella term known as the â€Å"greenhouse effect.† As the rays of the sun reach Earth, some of the heat is absorbed and some is radiated back into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere act similarly to a gigantic mirror and reflect warmth back to Earth that in the past would have continued being radiated into space. It is this reflection of heat back to Earth that is at the heart of the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse Gases These greenhouse gases that are responsible for reflecting back heat that would otherwise be lost include simple water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and the infamous ozone. Unfortunately, there is no way to know exactly which greenhouse gas is most responsible for the greenhouse effect. Cause of Increased Gases The problem of global warming has been caused by the addition of more greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. The gases responsible will rise into the air whether humans are here or not; the problem is that much of basic human activity in the 20th and 21st century produced greenhouse gas at a level never experienced before. Basically, any activity that produces one of the gases listed above is a cause of global warming; everything from driving a car to using electricity. Because trees act as a natural conversion plant to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen, deforestation contributes to global warming because the fewer trees there are, the more carbon dioxide gets into the atmosphere. Effects The effects of global warming are potentially far-ranging. Increased temperatures means melting of glaciers, ice and snow around the poles, which means an increase in sea levels. Warming water will also increase the potential for hurricanes and typhoons so devastating that they will make Hurricane Katrina pale in comparison. That rise in sea levels could also mean that beachfront property will soon be found 10 to 50 miles inland from where beaches are now. Temperatures The average temperature on Earth has been steadily rising since the mid-1980s, and global warming is expected to continue this trend. In addition to longer and hotter summers, rising temperatures will affect agriculture. Indeed, the effect of a hotter Earth is already increasing the transmission of infectious bacteria that thrive under warm conditions. Hoax? There are still a great many people who believe that global warming is simply some kind of politically-created hoax. Those leading the charge against global warming tend to be industry with a vested interest. On the other hand, the list of scientific entities that have agreed on the reality of global warming include, among many others, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Royal Society of the UK.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Unlike No Other

Unlike No Other Unlike No Other Unlike No Other By Maeve Maddox I heard a radio announcer say that something was â€Å"unlike no other.† I could tell from the context that he meant the thing he was talking about was unique. As I usually do when I read or hear nonstandard usage in a professional context, I jumped on my search engine to see if anyone else was using it. What I found suggests that many speakers use â€Å"unlike no other† as if it did mean â€Å"one of a kind.† Relationship problem unlike no other? (about a boy who feels his romantic situation is unique) Urban Novel Unlike no Other (reviewer recommending a novel) Trees unlike no other (description of unusual trees) A community unlike no other! (a group of gamers) A show unlike no other (ad for an entertainment program) The expression â€Å"unlike no other† doesn’t mean â€Å"one of a kind.† On the contrary, it means â€Å"like all others.† The prefix un: â€Å"I am not unhappy.† is equivalent to â€Å"I am happy.† Note: A discussion of the two negatives equal a positive rule in English calls for a post of its own. This one focuses on why the expression unlike no other should be avoided. Like means â€Å"having the same characteristics as something else.† Adding the prefix un- to like creates an adjective that means â€Å"dissimilar.† Technically, to say that something is â€Å"unlike no other,† is to say that it is like everything else. To express the thought that something is â€Å"unique† or â€Å"one of a kind,† drop the un- and say that the thing is â€Å"like no other.† For example, Grab a cup of cider and head to Red Arrow Park in beautiful Milwaukee, Wisconsin for a fun, low-key New Years Eve like no other. A Race Like No Other: 26.2 Miles Through the Streets of New York (book title) Another way to express the thought is to use the phrase â€Å"not like any other.† They proof their dough for 24 hours which allows it to rise and ferment to a flavor not like any other bread available in Brooklyn This is truly a movie not like any other. Apparently the wording â€Å"unlike no other† sounds pleasing to the ears of many speakers, but it is not standard English. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the FutureBest Websites to Learn EnglishEach vs. Both

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How successful is the ending of Rattigans The Browning Version Essay Example

How successful is the ending of Rattigans The Browning Version Essay Example How successful is the ending of Rattigans The Browning Version Paper How successful is the ending of Rattigans The Browning Version Paper Essay Topic: Literature Almost more beautiful than the original-Andrews comment about his own translation of the Agamemnon. This just about sums up The Browning Version- the troubles of a husband struggling with illness and the infidelity of his wife. The Browning Version is the Agamemnon with a twist at the end giving it a very effective anti-climax. The era the play is set in is important to some of the plays points and messages. It is set in post-war Britain sometime around the late 1940s. At this time the country was under rationing and money was very important to the vast majority of the populace. So Taplows stealing of the chocolates at the beginning shows the rationing at the time-he feels bad about taking the second chocolate and puts it back. Public schools were very strict at the time and very backward. They refused to change very much and were very backwards in some cases for example it is never revealed what Taplows first name is; they only called boys by their surnames. This is evident in Andrews conversations the only person he does not call by their surname is his wife, Millie. Also Millies incessant mentioning of her inheritance and her uncle Sir William Bartop is to show that she has money and it is almost a boast. This is her fai ade to improve her social standing and she uses it to imply that she is better off than your average schoolmasters wife. This is evident when the Head says Your wifes remarks had lead me to imagine something a little more extensive. At this time divorce was frowned upon greatly. Divorcees were ostracised completely from society- for example divorcees were not allowed in the royal enclosure at Ascot and even the late Princess Margaret was not allowed to marry a RAF war hero because he was a divorcee. That is why Andrew says he does not want to do Millie a second grave wrong and why they do not even discuss splitting up or divorce. The divorce would ruin all of Millie aspirations of social climbing and joining the aristocracy. The Browning Version is named after a translation of the Agamemnon, written by Aeschylus as one third of the Oresteia, by Robert Browning (1812-1889). This particular book is given to Andrew by Taplow in the play and plays an integral part in the story. The plot itself contains many similarities to the Agamemnon: a cheating wife, the lack of love between the married couple and the death of a husband. To make it even worse in Millies obvious spite for her husband she tells him all the details of many affairs. Andrew is so worn down by this that he is referred to as dead by Millie This is the killing of Andrew by his wife as is in the Agamemnon and he says later I fear it [the manuscript of his version of the Agamemnon] is lost like so many other things. The so many other things refers to the lack of faith in his wife and the lack of love and joy in his marriage. Personally I think that The Browning Version is a version of the Agamemnon with a change of scenery and a twist at the end. Andrew admits that he himself wrote a version of the Agamemnon when he was a teenager in rhyming couplets and says when I had finished it, I remember, I thought it very beautiful almost more beautiful than the original. Almost, but not quite in my opinion Andrew means that you cannot beat the original therefore numbing the success of the ending of The Browning Version. The characters of The Browning Version are very stereotypical of the times and the setting. Crocker-Harris for example is the characteristic draconian old schoolmaster- by the book to the letter and ruthless. He is built up in the short time of the play to give the impression of a disrespected and unlovable man without feeling, fully deserving of the title the Himmler of the lower fifth as bestowed on him by Frobisher. He changes throughout the second half of the play and we as the audience see him to be pleasant, friendly and bullied by his evil wife. This means that the emotions displayed at the end are all the more surprising and cathartic. His history with Millie is outlined in sketchy little facts linked into the conversations. He has always had a stormy marriage and it has never been fulfilled for either party. Millie hints at all the affairs she has had and she has always told Andrew the sordid details. This has worn Andrew down and he is referred to as dead, an utter failure, a Henpecked husband and he is thought to be by Taplow to be all shrivelled up inside like a nut. Again this makes the ending much more emotional. Andrew believes his life is a subject for farce, but in fact he has misread his life and it is more like a tragedy. He also believes that his life is a common occurrence worldwide. Millie is a social climber and is completely evil. She dashes Andrew feelings about the book with a completely evil comment about it being appeasement so that Taplow can get his remove. She is so mean to him to the point of resentment because he cant provide her with what she needs and she is a free spirit. She has to find this kind of love through other channels for example affairs. Frank is typical of young teachers- lively, vigorous and liked by the boys in his care. In the 1994 film version he is made to be American; a rarity in the time period and it makes him even more of a wildcard. But Frank changes over time to regret his actions with Millie and suddenly sees her true colours and recognizes that Andrew is in fact a very admirable person indeed. Taplow the epitome of a schoolboy, a lively character and he recognizes that the Crock is not liked. He notices Andrewss fai ade and sees through it and furthermore admires him for what he is worth. There are two film versions of The Browning Version one made in 1951 by Anthony Asquith, staring Michael Redgrave as Andrew, and a 1994 version directed by Mike Figgis, with Albert Finney in the leading role. Both are very good in their own respects but they both change a good deal in their adaptations. The 1951 version is closer to the original in the plot and setting . The end is similar to the 1994 version with Andrew making a triumphant speech at prize day after Fletcher and providing the several minutes of applause the head master predicted while winning the respect of the boys. The 1994 version is set in a slightly different time but is similar in many ways to the 1951 version. The endings of these are cathartic and the audience goes away feeling very pleased that Andrew has finally done something to please himself and gained the respect of his pupils. On the stage it is kept nicely in a one room set and there are no scene changes making it very compact. It manages to cram a lot of information into a very small time without leaving the audience asking background questions about the play. It leaves the audience pleased that the underdog has come out on top but still asking questions in the backs of their minds about what happens next. The ending is calm and simple compared to the other emotional and physical turmoil of the previous conversations making it very successful in not leaving the audience weary of the characters. The stagecraft is simple and easy to carryout and therefore works to not confuse or change the perspective of the audience. I doubt its effectiveness for a group of teenagers in this modern world of loud music and huge climaxes, but I myself then must be an exception. In their opinion, The Browning Version is very dull, slow and boring play indeed but I actually enjoyed reading this play. It is very effective to the Aunt Ednas of the audience as Terrence Rattigan himself used to call them. The name Edna conjures the image of middle aged women of a certain upbringing and social standing. A tragedy is a play ending with a serious action such as death or defeat in a crescendo of sorrow. The Browning Version almost accomplishes this but accomplishes an anti-climax instead, with the audience expecting the cathartic ending of a tragedy. The tragic themes and motives of The Browning Version are occasionally cut with humour; most of the time provided by Taplow, for example are his golfing skills and his impressions of the Crock. Andrew claims that an anti-climax can be very effective and this is true of The Browning Version in these circumstances. The way the anti climax is executed and the preamble to it makes it a very successful way of ending the play. The ending is kept under wraps in a very simple and straightforward way with the ambiguity of a telephone call, which is very anonymous. At the very end, the meal is almost the picture of an ideal marriage but with a twist of bitterness in the expression on the face of Millie. As The Browning Version is based on a tragedy it could have ended like one, but it does the reverse and finishes in the way you would least expect if you had no knowledge of the play beforehand. If it had ended like a tragedy would likely be less successful in its message and the ending would not mean so much to the audience in the same way. The ending of The Browning Version is a very strange one compared to the other plays I have read or seen, and I find the ending a pleasant surprise. With all things considered, I think the anti-climax is as effective as Andrew claims it to be. Rattigans use of tragedy and anti-climax, and his characters, make the ending of The Browning Version a very good one undeniably.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Evaluation of Safety-Critical Software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Evaluation of Safety-Critical Software - Essay Example To that end, there were several attempts to measure the dependability of safety-critical software. Similarly, Harlan Mills and his colleagues had developed a process called â€Å"clean room† that utilized independent testing groups to act as end users of programmable devices and were said to generate reliable results than the common practice of software professionals who performed a series of carefully planned tests to measure the reliability of their owned inventions. All things considered, an exhaustive mathematical test, not only based on intuitive reasoning, must be conducted to ensure the trustworthiness of safety-critical software. Programmable computers are tools that provide convenience to the end users, however, devices that are controlled by safety-critical software can threaten lives of people, as well. To that end, an extreme discipline in design in the making is needed. Data and related information should be laid out in a way that it could be easily comprehended by an independent group of testers. That is to say that â€Å"clean room† as developed by Harlan Mills and company must be applied to prevent unbiased results. Human errors often occurred, especially when software professionals would try to self-assist their own works. With this in mind, why engineers had chosen software instead of hardware? In the first place, software components were less expensive than hard-wired logic. These components were massed produced. Secondly, logic, in theory, that was implemented on software could be easily changed than of the one implemented on the hard-wired device. Lastly, software is more flexible than of non-computerized system. For instance, the modern computer technology could provide more information to the end users in a more convenient manner. Less space and power were needed to produce this information.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sketches Bill Cleggs and Mathew Dickmans prescription for eudaimonia Essay

Sketches Bill Cleggs and Mathew Dickmans prescription for eudaimonia - Essay Example For this reason, Aristotle’s ethics and politics are both heavily focused on virtue (Gallager, 2010). According to Rorty (1980, pp.07), Eudemonia essentially involve just the activity of the theoretical intellect of human life and action and accordance with the broader excellence of moral virtues and practical wisdom. This view connects the eudemonia with the conception of human nature as composite, that is, as involving the interaction of reason, emotion, perception and action in a body full of soul. Ninety days is a short novel that situates a lot of drama into an easy to read 194 pages. This book covers the months following Cleggs decision to go into an inpatient facility to renounce cocaine and alcohol at age 34.  It’s the story of Cleggs battle to get back his life, an obvious and persuasive story of the opportunity of recovery. However, it sketches an overwhelming depiction of the loads of challenges one will tolerate on this journey. The twin brother of poet Michael Dickman, poet Matthew Dickman was born on August 20, 1975 grew up in Lents, a working-class suburb of Portland, Oregon. He was raised by his mother. He earned a BA at the University of Oregon after that he earned an MFA from the University of Texas at Austins Michener Center. Dickman’s unveiling collection, All American Poem (2008), was chosen by Tony Hoagland for the American Poetry Review’s Honickman First Book Prize in Poetry and also won the 2009 Oregon Book Award for Poetry. According to Perring (2012) Ninety Days  is a follow up to Cleggs tale of his decline into drug use and his ultimate entrance into drug rehabilitation. Bill Clegg discloses to his readers as he explain the laborious journey he took to attain his first 90 days of sobriety. Any person who has not gone through the experience of substance mistreatment would not be able to recognize how an individual feels who has exactly gone the whole thing. Actually it is a