Friday, February 28, 2020

Erik Peterson integrative case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Erik Peterson integrative analysis - Case Study Example This lead to conflicts especially because some team members did not like seeing others progress. A case in point was between Wescott and Burns. They always had issues within themselves since Wescott never appreciated Burns ideas and suggestions. Green did not see Peterson as capable of meeting the demands of the task, Cantor considered Peterson as misinformed. These two attitudes from Green and Carton made Peterson avoid interfering with their work on KOL though KOL meant a lot to his marketing mandate. Working with an inexperienced team Andrew lack of flexibility and resourcefulness was a major drawback for Peterson especially now that he needed an individual he could rely on in the operations docket. This made Peterson to be derailed in delivering Biometra device within the given timeline. Lack of procedures and policies There were no clear structures on salary increment and promotion in SciMat. Having been given a general management position without experience in management caused him resentment from his managers like Andrew and Miczek who had more experience than he did. Lack of policies and procedures on salary increment also lead to Miczeks and Wescott salary problems. This set Peterson at an uncomfortable situation as he tried to work on standardizing the salaries. External problems Operating problems The relationship between Biometra and key opinion leaders was dependent on potential early adopters. This was a high-risk that was later felt when management turnover created uneasiness among the targeted KOL who feared being associated with any potential issues that could ruin their reputation. The Vice president’s derailed operation was also a problem to Peterson since it risked him loosing the KOLs he... The paper describes how effective has Peterson been in taking charge of the Hanover startup in terms of managing the new operation amd of providing leadership. It also shows what actions should Peterson take to turn the situation around and prepare for his meeting with Chip Knight. Human resources management is mandated with the task of hiring, firing, promoting, and creating salary structures. However, in SciMat it seems like any manger can perform the four mentioned HR duties as they so wish. This was the main cause of salary and promotion issues that Peterson faced as a General Manger. There was no clear policy and procedure to be taken when promoting an employee and increasing an employee’s salary. The same cause lead to a people owning positions they did not have deserve in terms of their qualifications. This caused some subordinates to work under people who could not give them proper guidance on what was expected of them.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Questions and Answers Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions and Answers - Case Study Example The leaders were Jeffrey Skilling, former Enron President and CEO, Kenneth Lay, CEO and Andrew Fastow, Ex-Chief Financial Officer. 2. How did leadership influence the organizational culture at Enron? Jeffrey Skilling and Andrew Fastow were instrumental in changing the organizational culture of Enron. They gave the perception that Enron was very innovative and very profitable. Enron has a dysfunctional corporate culture which was obsessed with short-term earnings so that the bonuses will be maximized. The employees began looking at high volume deals even if it meant disregarding the quality of the cash flows and profits. The employees’ actions were reflective of their leaders’ values and beliefs. Extravagant spending was common among its executives. The excessive stock options and corporate compensation gave Enron’s executives too many incentives to manipulate the financial accounts and the stock price of the company. Corporate values and principles seemed to disa ppear at Enron at the time of their leadership. 3. Did the performance evaluation system at Enron support or undermine the company’s business goals and leadership beliefs? Yes, the performance evaluation system at the time of Skilling supported the company’s business goals and leadership beliefs.